Emergence: The Magic of Creativity

I want to introduce you to one of my favorite concepts, the concept of emergence

Emergence is when newness is created through multiple different things coming together.

The process of emergence is how evolution works and it’s the way the universe create new things. 

Emergence is when..

Two hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom come together and produce water and this thing called water is something that wasn’t present in the hydrogen atoms or the oxygen atom. 

Two musicians come together to make a collab album and the collab album has its own unique, distinctive sound that wasn’t there in either of the artists solo work.

You and your friend come up with a brilliant idea based on a conversation you had and this idea wasn’t present in either of your individual minds. 

Emergence shows that creation is driven by relationship. 

It’s the coming together of different and distinct aspects of reality that produce novelty. I like to listen to music and feel how each layer of the song is it’s own unique element and the song itself is the emergence.

The tragedy of the modern world is that is it has deteriorated and atrophied relationship. Our relationship to self, to other, to nature and to something beyond us have all been fractured by a zero-sum economic system that values transaction and competition rather than relationship and intimacy. The systems that have perpetuated this fracture in relationship are dying and the new systems, ideas and ways of being are being birthed through emergence.

What does it look like to be an active participant in emergence?

It’s simple. Follow what feels most fun and alive to you. Follow what lights your soul up.

Who are the people that are the most fun to make things with? Make things with those people.

Who are the people the bring out the best in you? Prioritize spending time with them.

Who would be a blast to collaborate on something with? Collaborate with them.

What does it look like to show up in every interaction from a place of authenticity and connection so you are creating more possibilities for the person you are interacting with and yourself? Commit to that.

We’re not meant to go at it all alone. We are meant to create and build with others. We are meant to cultivate the kind of relationships where magic happens.

When you live a life oriented towards emergence your actions are guided by the knowing that so many beautiful possibilities exist when you follow your intuition about what feels most vibrant and alive to you. 

Trust that intuition. Trust that knowing. 

Follow what feels most fun and alive for you. 

When you follow that you are participating in the evolutionary flow of emergence. 

This is how a more beautiful world is created.

Much Love,



Content & Context


Connective Agents: A Frame for a World in Transition