Kids and Spirituality

Raising the next generation of consciousness.

You want to give your kids something, some sense of a greater perspective than the limited view of physical reality, but you don’t want to give them dogma or rigidity.

As a kid, I had deep questions and a fascination with the universe. There was a sense of wonder about this whole experience and what we are all doing here.

This wonder and awe was the fuel for my spiritual journey and I was lucky enough to grow up in an environment that fostered and encouraged that curiosity and wonder.

I am passionate about helping parents create an environment that allows their kids to find their own spiritual connection like I did because I know just how it important it is for the health of humanity and our world.


How to Talk to Your Kids about Spirituality: Audio Edition

I've given this talk many times on Zoom and received really incredible feedback. I wanted to make it more accessible, so I recorded an audio and now you get to listen at your own leisure.


“When you’re a parent, it’s natural to hold a weird ache for your kids’ futures and wonder what might lie ahead for them.  You long for them to grow up feeling grounded and confident in themselves, while holding compassion for others and wanting to do good stuff in the world.  Not from any sense of obligation but because it makes sense to them, deep down. You shudder at the thought of them carrying negative baggage into their adult lives and want to do anything to avoid or prevent that. But life and parenting is not always simple. What’s the gift that you can give them as a parent?

Trace’s session about Kids and Spirituality is wise, unique and elegantly curated.  His questions and ideas inspired and refreshed my thoughts about both the good and not-so-good stuff in my own upbringing and spirituality.  Trace helped me tilt those learnings towards how I can enable our kids to find their own path for connecting to the energy and spirit of what life is really about.  It was freeing to notice how deeply this already features in our kids’ lives, even though our family is not part of an organised spiritual system, like I grew up within.  I came away with some solid plans of what to do more of and what to do less of in my role as a dad.” - Jonno B.