An Inflection Point

Creating right relationship between content and context is one of the most important tasks of the 21st century.

As humans we exist within larger economic, political, social, familial, and ideological systems. They provide the context for our lives. Unfortunately, most of these dominant systems are causing much unnecessary suffering. The wholes we have created (systems) are not in right relationship with the parts that comprise them (us).

There’s an unspeakable amount of pain in the world right now as a result of this misalignment. The silver lining is this pain is waking more and more up to the fact change is desperately needed.

The failings of the context(s) show what content is needed most.

Content around intrinsic worthiness, because of the way capitalism tied worth and value to how much you can produce.

Content around self-love and the self love journey, because so many people grew up in un-loving homes.

Content around healthy empowerment, because of how much religious and cultural ideas disempowered people.

Content around emotional health because our education system didn’t really teach us about emotions.

Think about anything you want to see more of in the world and there is probably some system(s) that has been limiting it’s expression. The good news is the systems that have limited our life force expression are dying, they have come to the end of their life cycle. New systems are being birthed through the creativity that emerges from the pain the old ones caused. Wrong relationship can only live so long before it becomes untenable.

The discrepancy between the vibrant life the human spirit knows is possible and the reality our systems create is causing an inflection point.

The pain of being disconnected from the vibrancy of your soul initiates the desire to embark upon a healing journey. The pain of being disconnected from our collective soul is initiating the societal healing and transformation journey. I believe the collective alchemizing of this pain into new creativity, expression, and connection is leading to a future that will be defined by right relationship between content and context, inner and outer, whole and part.

Much Love,



Introducing The Holon Institute


Content & Context